From SEED to PRODUCT -   Serving manufacturers, retailers and builders, with FSC® certified teak products

Welcome to Novelteak. We believe in the future of FSC® Certified Teak as a sustainable material for manufacturing, construction, and enhancement of homes. Every day since 1989 we improve our seeds, care for the health of our plantations, protected areas and the environment, and we produce excellent teak products in a sustainable way for our generation and the generations to come.

About us

Novelteak owns 20.000 hectares where about half are teak plantations and half are protected conservation areas. Read more >


What we do

Our FSC® Certified operation is a permanent testimony of our long term commitment to do the right thing for the forest and communities. Doing good >

A comprehensive range of FSC® teak products for furniture manufacturers, retailers and builders. Discover more >

Virtuous Cycle

A fully integrated production cycle from seed to final product allows us to ensure quality and consistent long term supplyLearn more >